UK Manufacturers of Bespoke Timber Windows and Doors


What is noise pollution?

Noise pollution is unwanted sound. In the home, this is any sound that distracts or disturbs the occupants. This could be anything from nearby traffic or low flying aircraft to sounds coming from neighbouring properties such as loud music and conversation.

How it travels

Sound travels through the air, as well as solids and liquids. Like the ripples seen on the surface of a pond when you throw a stone into it. Just like these ripples, the waves decrease in intensity as they move away from the source.

Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB). A low dB value indicates a soft sound and a high dB value a loud sound.

How it affects us

Noise harms. The World Health Organisation has warned that those living with daytime noise pollution of over 55dB will suffer health problems which could include:

  • Increased stress
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Decrease effectiveness at work
  • Decreased concentration at school

In London this affects 1.6million people. And if you’re one of them, struggling to sleep or to work, you will have a first-hand experience of this.

How double glazing helps reduce noise

One of the many potential benefits of replacing windows in your home is that in doing so you improve your property’s noise insulation. The correct installation of good high-quality manufactured products will result in a noticeable reduction in noise levels. At Nine Zero we use SGG Silence glass, which combines two sheets of clear glass bonded together with a transparent plastic interlayer. This absorbs sound and reduces the level transmitted through glass, keeping unwanted noise out and wanted noise in.

Investing in our timber products will create a safe and quiet home space, a peaceful place for your kids to play, and for you to unwind and relax. Fitting your home with noise reduction glass can have a hugely healing impact on your family. If you’re anything like the vast majority of our existing clients, you will be delighted by the scale of the noise reduction we can achieve in your home.